服務式住宅, Short & long term. Please email your check-in date for room availability. Phone enquiry only available after 2pm.

中環 半山自動扶梯豪華家居設計 服務式住宅 450尺 租金 $22,000 可短期租約3個月起免佣 請電: 90280068蔡小姐

Three-Bedrooms Suite/Apartment : HK$46,000 to HK$90,000 p.m. (INCLUDES management fee, government rates,
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花一心花藝禮品設計

消閒及娛樂 / 約會服務So Klose - Award-Winning Dating and Match Making Agency in Hong Kong and Macau

完美妝容由亮白牙齒開始 Smilestudio 牙齒美白
S美容 / 男士美容Smilestudio.hk

weekly cleaning services, boradband internet, private shower, electricity & water bills are included, cooking facilities, flexible lease

screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" src="http://f20.yahoofs.com/hkblog/dTG1fyuWAx9rLk__DOT_
D美容 / 髮型設計及護髮DS專業駁髮

Our product design and application engineers can support both OEM and ODM business with products having CE, FCC, ROHs and other certificates in meeting the requirement of different regions.

FYP與功課之王 – 補習及救急專門店,為你一站式解決FYP或功課 Assignment 的問題與煩惱。 FYP與功課之王, FYP補習, FYP救急, 功課補習, 功課救急, Assignment補習, Assignment救急
F手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫FYP與功課之王 – 補習及救急專門店

Full Service Hair Care: Men’s Haircut | $10,Children’s Haircut | $10, Women’s Haircut | $20.
S美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Salon Square髮型屋

銅鑼閣是一間精品服務式住宅,聳立於銅鑼灣中心地帶,鄰近多間大型商場、日資百貨公司、餐飲食肆及娛樂消閑熱點。銅鑼閣交通便捷,往來銅鑼灣地鐵站(C出口)只需徒步一分鐘。房間設備齊全,備有獨立的洗手間 。月租由港幣15500-23000,已包括水費,電費,連線寬頻上網,本地電話,每月清潔房間8次,彈性租期,由三天到一年 。
C物業地產 / 服務式住宅Causeway Corner

工作詳情 (招標中) 會員帳戶: whmwong 會員名稱: WHM 買家所在地區: 九龍 旺角 預算: $2000 至 $5000 描述工作: A Product rating / recommendation website (similar idea to open rice) Website requirement A CMS based website Minimum technolo

本公司為香港產子服務公司,現有大量香港九龍酒店式公寓對外出租,所有公寓正對維多利亞海港,豪華會所本酒店除了適合一般的短期來港的家居生活,因配備了電熱板(熨衣板)、洗衣、幹衣機等設施,所以也特別適合於來港待產和做月子的媽媽,為此,我公司還自己購買了專用器具來滿足媽媽的需求.LCD電視及本地,衛星及寬頻電視頻道.VCD/DVD播放組合 獨立電話線及本地免費電話設備齊全廚房,雙爐電熱板.洗衣和幹衣機.

Service Apartments, Service Suites, Furnished Apartments and Hotel Apartments
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

Airport Representatives will be on duty at arrival hall anytime during operation hours of the Airport, to Meet-and Greet guest and to assist and escort them to the limousine lounge.
H汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Hi Lee (H.K.) Transportation Co., Ltd.

太古城高層585呎單位分租。 周邊環境昭著、往來港九各區交通便利。鄰近SOHO東、太安樓,食肆林立。實為動感中帶恬靜之區域。 屋主內外整潔。共用客廳、廚房、浴室。一應電器俱備。 電、煤、水費均邀。免費100MB WIFI 上網供應。 月租6000 + 1個月租金值之上期 + 1個月租金值之按金 如有任何查詢,或意欲預約參觀。煩請電郵至 [email protected] ; 或

An 8th location, “Izi” – on Hollywood Road, Central, focuses on serviced commercial office space, making Ovolo definitively stand out among its’ peers.
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